Happy Two Year Anniversary

2 years ago… you waited *nervously* for me in front of our family and friends,


and as my dad and I walked down the aisle towards you we smiled through our happy tears.


2 years ago… I excitedly joined you, my handsome groom, at the altar. After 5 long years of dating the day was finally here!


I did my best to get through our vows without crying, I promise I did, but you knew better and had tissues ready when I started to lose it. 🙂 


2 years ago… we shared our first kiss as husband and wife,


and as we walked up the aisle my aunt was the first to greet me as “Mrs. Floris”. [I’ve since been told I won’t hear that again until we have kids… haha]


2 years ago… I looked into your eyes and saw a love that I’d never seen before. I thought about all our hopes and dreams, 


and couldn’t wait to dance into our future together.


The two years since our wedding day have been so full – a new dog joined the family, we moved across the country TWICE, we’ve each changed jobs multiple times and so much more. There’s no one else I’d rather have by my side during the good parts, and no other shoulder I’d rather cry on when the going gets rough.

I’m sad to be 3,000 miles away from you on this special day, but I know that we have a lifetime of anniversaries ahead of us to celebrate!  

Happy Anniversary babe – I love you so much and can’t wait to see what our third year of marriage has in store! 



** All photos included in this post were taken by Henry Photographers.