Month: October 2014

Let’s Talk About Mileage

Let’s Talk About Mileage

Hey hey hey! I hope your weekend is off to a great start. We had a very laid back Friday night which included the first family dinner with everyone home since my parents got back from their Italy trip.  My mom made her Chicken Parmesan 

Fitness Shoot with Caroline Winn Photography

Fitness Shoot with Caroline Winn Photography

Good morning!  I had every intention of greeting you with a delicious pumpkin granola recipe this morning but I tried to multitask last night and completely burned the batch I was making to photograph (#fail). I promise to have it ready to kick off next 

5K Training Plan for a Turkey Trot Near YOU!!

5K Training Plan for a Turkey Trot Near YOU!!

Hey there, I hope that your week is flying by as fast as mine! We will be to the weekend before we know it! 🙂 Yesterday’s morning run happened on the dreadmill because it was pouring rain and pitch black when I woke up… daylight