2019 Goals + Intentions

Did January feel like the longest month ever to anyone else? I feel like I spent the entire month of January just waiting around. While we were waiting for Marigold to make her arrival it felt like we were in this weird limbo – it was hard to make plans or find our new groove with me at home rather than working because I knew that Marigold’s arrival would throw that all off. Now that little sister is here and we are ~2 weeks into this family of 4 thing it feels like I can finally look ahead at 2019 and what my goals and intentions for the year are. With a new baby I know it’s a hard year to set big, audacious goals so I’m keeping things simple with 5 goals/intentions most of which don’t have a big end result.   

This year I want to…

1- Create Daily + Weekly Rhythms 

As I enter this new phase as a work-from-home mama I know that it is going to be essential for me to have daily and weekly rhythms in place. Not only so that I’m able to get my work done but also because I (and the kids) thrive on a schedule. I’m sure what these rhythms looks like will likely change a lot throughout the year as the girls grow and go through different phases but having a general plan for each day and week ahead of time would be great!

2- Read 20 Books

I have a long list of books that I have bought in recent years but haven’t read yet and I want 2019 to be the year that I finally read them all. I also want to be more intentional about the TV that I watch and want to start choosing reading over watching TV just to kill time before bed.

3- Become a “Tidy-er”

While I was pregnant with Marigold my “nesting” manifested most in creating systems to organize our house – like buying tupperware containers to organize all of Lavinia’s toys by category. I’ve already noticed that this helps the playroom clean up so much faster since everything has a place where it belongs. There are a few more areas that I would like to get organized in the coming months so that they are as easy to tidy up. My other goal in this area is to tidy as I go rather than waiting for a mess to pile up and then have to spend a bigger chunk of time to clean up – this also ties into me staying home instead of working full time because if there’s one thing I’ve noticed in the last month and a half at home it’s that the home becomes so clean and untidy so quickly with me and the girls home all day haha. 

4- Continue to Improve Our Finances

This past year Henri and I really got a hang on our finances and got really good at budgeting and tracking our spending with Everydollar. This year our goal is to start making a dent in our debt (we have 5 years left on Henri’s student loans but we’d love to pay that off sooner so that we can start putting more towards the girls’ 529 plans) and save up for some big purchases/expenses we’d like to make in the coming months/years – like buying a minivan and putting Lavinia in pre-school this fall. 

5- Create and Share More/More Meaningful Content + Build a Business I am Proud Of

For years I’ve had sooooo many ideas for what I’d like to share here on the blog and on Instagram. My goal for 2019 is to make this the year that I finally get the ideas out of my brain, off of the paper and out into the world. I want to find a the balance of pouring into my family/my girls as well as pouring into my online coaching with Lift, Run, Perform and my platform here on the blog and on Instagram. I know it’s going to be hard to do both but the income I’ll be bringing in through these endeavors is what is enabling me to mostly stay home with the girls and I really want to continue being able to do that!