Boston Thoughts + My Last 3 Weeks of Training

The drought it over! Desi Linden is the 2018 Boston Marathon Champion and the first American woman to win the race since 1985. I just had a feeling that this was the year that she was going to do it and I’m so happy that she proved me right. 


I’m finding it incredibly hard to have a rest day on the schedule for today because I am so inspired by Desi’s performance and all of the other runners I know that I just want to go out for a run SO badly! Who else is feeling extra motivated today?

I realized this morning that I haven’t posted about my training on here for a little while so I wanted to give you the quick run down on what my training has looked like the past 3 weeks, since my last update


Monday: 9 miles easy @ 7:37 pace

Tuesday: 9 mile workout [2 mile warm-up, 4x 1 mile @ 5:34, 5:34, 5:34, 5:35 w/ 2 minutes rest + 2x 400 @ 75 + 73 with 1 minute rest, 2.5 mile cool-down]

Wednesday: 7 miles easy @ 7:48 pace

Thursday: 4 miles easy @ 8:14 pace + 4x 100m strides

Friday: 14.2 mile race day [2 mile warm-up, 10K race @ 35:29, 6 mile cool-down to get the benefits of a long run in as well]

Saturday: 6 miles recovery @ 7:50 pace

Sunday: Rest Day (Easter!)

Total Miles: 49.2 miles


Monday: unplanned rest day, sick

Tuesday: easy run, 8 miles @ 7:44 (still feeling a little sick)

Wednesday: FAILED WORKOUT – probably shouldn’t have run yesterday – 4 miles total, warm-up, 1.5 of the reps I was supposed to do, way off pace and felt sooooo tired, stopped and cooled down

Thursday: 30 mins easy (no GPS watch)

Friday: 30 mins easy (no GPS watch)

Saturday: 60 mins easy (no GPS watch)

Sunday: 90 mins easy (no GPS watch)

Total Miles: ?? probably around 40ish


Monday: 10 miles @ 7:45 pace

Tuesday: 8 mile workout [2 mile warm-up, 6x 800m @ 2:34, 2:34, 2:34, 2:34, 2:34, 2:34 w. 2 minutes rest + 2x 400m @ 73 + 74 w. 1 minute rest, 2.5 mile cool-down]

Wednesday: 9 miles easy @ 7:53 pace

Thursday: 7 miles @ 7:55 pace

Friday: 6.25 miles @ 7:54 pace (including 6x 100m strides)

Saturday: AM: 3 mile shake-out run with the stroller
PM: 8.35 mile w/ race [2.25 mile warm-up, 5K race in 16:57, 3 mile cool-down]

Sunday: 14 mile long run @ 7:45 pace

Total Miles: 65.6

The next race that I have coming up is the USA Half Marathon Championships and I’m really looking forward to running in Pittsburgh on May 6th! Is anyone else going to be there for the race?