Breastfeeding and Running

Breastfeeding and Running

Today is the last day of World Breastfeeding Week and as Liv and I are in the end stages of weaning I thought it was a fitting time to share a little bit about our experience with breastfeeding and some tips that I found helpful this 

What Lavinia Ate: 12 Month Old Meal Ideas

What Lavinia Ate: 12 Month Old Meal Ideas

Navigating what to feed your baby can be challenging. I tend to gravitate towards feeding Liv a simplified version (or smaller cut up version) of what Henri and I are eating. It just makes meal time a lot less stressful when you only have to worry 

Lavinia’s 1st Birthday & Party

Lavinia’s 1st Birthday & Party

Last Wednesday was Lavinia’s birthday! We woke her up with an “IT’S MY BIRTHDAY” shirt and a crib full of balloons. Every time we are in the check out line at the grocery store Liv points at and squeals at the balloons so I was 

My Thoughts on Lavinia Turning One

My Thoughts on Lavinia Turning One

Tomorrow our little girl turns the big O-N-E!  It’s strange how time works… in some ways it feels like we were just anticipating her arrival on our drive to the birth center and in others it feels like she’s been a part of our family forever. 

Avo-Nana Pudding: Feeding Fun with Num Num Inc.

Avo-Nana Pudding: Feeding Fun with Num Num Inc.

The first time I heard about Baby Led Weaning I was really intrigued by the idea. I mean letting your baby feed themselves frees you up to snack/eat your meal at the same time. Win, win! But when it came down to it Henri was a 

Struggling with Postpartum Running Motivation

Struggling with Postpartum Running Motivation

I want to talk about postpartum running motivation for a second… or more accurately about the lack of running motivation postpartum. Because that is what I experienced and I want to put this out there for any other moms that might be feeling guilty about 

Lavinia Grace: 6 Month Update

Lavinia Grace: 6 Month Update

Lavinia has been 6 months old for over a week now and I’m just getting around to recapping this month, things have been crazy around here and Liv and I are trying to soak up every last moment with Daddy at home before he started working 

Lavinia Grace: 5 Months Old

Lavinia Grace: 5 Months Old

Lavinia turned 5 months on Monday. This past month with Liv has been one of my favorites, she is growing and learning so much each day. It’s been so much fun to watch!  STATS: There is no 5 month check-up so I don’t have any 

Lavinia’s First Halloween

Lavinia’s First Halloween

This past weekend Henri and I really enjoyed celebrating Lavinia’s first Halloween. Originally, I had grand plans of making her a mandrake costume and Henri and I would dress up as Hogwarts students. Unfortunately, my best efforts didn’t work so on Thursday afternoon last week 

Lavinia Grace: 3 Month Update

Lavinia Grace: 3 Month Update

This month was a big one for our little girl! It’s been crazy to watch how much she has changed in the past 30 days. I swear she’s getting bigger, stronger and smarter by the day!  STATS: There is no 3 month well visit appointment