Happy Mother’s Day & Training Summary: 5/4/2015-5/10/2015

First off, Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas out there!

Especially to my beautiful, fun, caring, goofy, gummy bears on ice cream loving mom! I love you to the moon and back mom and am so lucky to have you in my life! Thank you for everything that you do and for making me everything that I am! Wish we were together today so that we could drink coffee and do crossword puzzles together!!!   

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And to my mother-in-law who has such a servant heart and is always there to help those in need! Thank you for raising the man of my dreams and teaching me to cook his favorites foods for him! 😉 Love you too!



Okay, so as far as my training this week. Things got off to a rough sore start after the half last weekend so after pushing through two easy days thinking that my IT band would just loosen up on it’s own I took Wednesday and Thursday easy

Training Summary: 5/4/2015-5/10/2015





