Marathon Training – Beyond the Miles: CARBO LOADING

I can’t believe that it’s been almost a month since my last Marathon Training – Beyond the Miles post! I guess I’ve just been spending so much time training for the marathon that this series totally slipped my mind! Ooops!

Well today I’m going to talk about a topic that is new to me and something that I really want to do well for Boston – Carbo-loading. I’ve only run one marathon in my life (and never a half) so I have little experience with the actual need to carbo-load. All I know is that I did NOT do a good job of it before the L.A. Marathon last year.

Failing to carbo-load correctly can cause you to run out of fuel – a.k.a. ENERGY before you even cross the finish line. This is literally the worst thing that can happen during a marathon, believe me, it is no fun to be that person that’s walking & being passed at mile 22.

L.A. Marathon Walk
Trudging up a “hill” at L.A.

My lack of good carbo-loading left me heavy-legged and feeling AWFUL for the last 6 miles of L.A. and it was so frustrating knowing that my body could do it but it just didn’t have any gas in the tank.

(There were still a lot of smiles afterwards, I mean I had just finished my FIRST marathon!)310321_10151556583082152_464235274_nThis year I am determined to get my carbo-loading down-pat for Boston, so I have been doing my research. I also know that it is never a good idea to try out new things in my nutrition before a race so I am going to be practicing my ability to eat mountains of carbs before my half-marathon in two-and-a-half weeks!

Here are so great carbo-loading tips!

  • During the few days before your goal race anywhere from 70-90% of your calories should come from carbs
  • Incorporate carbs into every meal and snack throughout the day to make sure that you are meeting this percentage
  • Carbo-loading helps to fill your muscles with stored glycogen – which gives you energy during long runs/races
  • Make sure to choose easily digestible carbs that agree with your stomach – my favorite go-tos are pasta, bagels and tortillas!
  • Make sure to steer clear of carbs that are high in fiber (I didn’t follow this rule before L.A. and ended up having to make two potty breaks…)
  • Don’t just eat carbs – DRINK THEM! It’ll be easier to hit the level of carbs you have to take in if you are drinking Gatorade, juice or other sugary drinks.

Some interesting carbo-loading articles…

The Evolving Art of Carbo-Loading (just focus on the no-depletion model!)

How To Carbo-Load For a Marathon

Nancy Clark on Carbohydrate-Loading

Fill ‘Er Up!

The Truth about Carbo-Loading [hint: you’re probably not doing it enough]

Check out the rest of my Marathon Training – Beyond the Miles Series!

How many marathons/half-marathons have you run?

What is your go-to carb?

Have you done a good job of carbo-loading in the past?