Positive Media That Has Shaped My Parenting

With Mother’s Day right around the corner, I’ve been reflecting a lot on the last (almost) two years of motherhood. I realized that there are many media sources that have played a big role in my motherhood journey and that have influenced the kind of mom I am. For all my fellow mamas I wanted to share the books, podcasts, IG accounts and websites that I have come to rely on in this season of young motherhood so that you can check them out too. 

Before I was even pregnant with Lavinia I heard some advice that really stuck with me… just like when you are engaged you are preparing to enter a marriage as well as planning the wedding, when you’re pregnant make sure to be preparing for the journey of motherhood that lies beyond the birth of your baby. This really struck a chord with me and I’m so thankful for the wisdom of whomever I heard it from (I can’t remember because it was so long ago). It encouraged me to approach motherhood with intention and as the planner/researcher I am I set out in search of quality motherhood media – which is how I stumbled upon all of these great sources.

All of the sites/communities listed are non-judgemental zones that are neutral in the mommy-wars… cause nobody’s got time for that. They don’t have any advice on the best baby products or what you can and can’t eat while pregnant. They’re simply wonderful resources for parents to learn more about themselves and their children and they encourage readers/followers to become the kind of mom/dad they want to be.

I hope you find as much encouragement in their words as I have. 🙂 


No Bad Kids: Toddler Discipline Without Shame

Elevating Child Care: A Guide to Respectful Parenting

Happiest Baby On The Block

The Sleepeasy Solution

Calm Mama, Happy Baby

Permission to Parent

The Magic of Motherhood – this book would make a wonderful Mother’s Day gift for a friend or family member. Moms of all ages would love it, I got my copy for Christmas and at one point that day my grandma picked it up and read a few of the essays and really enjoyed them.


Atomic Moms – listen out for yours truly on the Mother’s Day episode coming out soon!

Mom Hour

Coffee + Crumbs


Simply on Purpose – in Friday’s post I’m going to be joining in on Ralphie’s #Iamthiskindofmom campaign with a post about the kind of mom I am.

Coffee + Crumbs

Your Zen Mama

Lacation Link


Focus on the Family

Coffee + Crumbs

Your Zen Mama