Time To Do It All Over Again: My Next Marathon

Hey guys! I did something a few weeks ago and I’m finally ready to let the cat out of the bag…

I signed up for another marathon!

Before I ran CIM in December the plan was to focus on shorter distance races this winter and spring – maxing out at the half marathon distance, and peaking at the USA Half Marathon Championships in May. However, after some discussions with Henri and my coach I decided that I wanted to run a late spring marathon. I’ve only run 4 marathons – and I feel like I really only started to get the hang of it this past training cycle. If I want to continue getting better at the distance and become a more competitive marathon runner I need experience racing the distance. I don’t just want to show up at the 2020 Trials – I want to perform well there! So I need more 26.2 mile races in my legs. 

My focus this season is going to remain more or less the same as I previously planned… meaning that my main goal is run PRs in the 5K-half… I’ll just be tacking on a bit more mileage to my weeks and including some marathon workouts in my training. I still hope to perform well at the USA Half Champs and then I’ll have 6 weeks of training before the marathon.

This June I’ll be running….


I’m really enjoying being back on the track and I’ve been reminded that the burn of track workouts are a totally different beast than marathon workouts. My glutes and calves haven’t been this sore in years! BUT I’m also excited to run a marathon I’ve been wanting to run for years. I know that shifting my focus to shorter races for the beginning of this season will make me a better runner at the marathon distance and I’m looking forward to both aspects of the season. 

As always, my goals for Grandma’s won’t be solidified until the race is closer but I’m hoping to just get in another positive marathon experience and get some practice racing a marathon, rather than just running it. I’m excited to see what happens. 

**And if I’m being completely honest, I’m excited to have a marathon on the schedule earlier than CIM because the baby-fever is real, y’all! We’re trying to play things by ear and not get ahead of ourselves but if things go well this season we may try for baby #2 before the 2020 Trials. I have a post in the works devoted solely to the topic of dealing with the conflicting desires to kick butt with my running but also being ready to expand our family, so stay tuned for that!**

What’s your next goal race?

Have you ever run Grandma’s Marathon? Tell me it’s as amazing as I’ve heard and am hoping! 😉