Training Summary: 3/5-11/2018

Hello hello! 

Anyone else feel like this most recent time change absolutely knocked them out? I don’t know if it’s because our Saturday night leading into the time change was all wonky or what but I have just been all out of sorts the past two days. Luckily – Liv has been totally un-phased and has rocked the whole Daylight Saving thing. 

Two random side-notes about Livy girl because Henri and I are just obsessed with her these days…. 1) she is learning how to jump, but isn’t able to get much air so it is hilariously adorable! She says “up, up” while trying so hard to lift her little body off the ground and maybe succeeding at getting a heel airbound. hahaa it’s my favorite thing right now… until she tries to jump off the couch like she did on Sunday **insert face palm emoji here** 2) yesterday she said her first SENTENCE! File this under things that are only exciting to parents but when she pointed out a bird and said “I see bird” I about fainted… so proud of our little growing girl!! Okay… I’m done with the Lavinia side-bar 😉

I’m getting a little bit of a late start to the week because Lavinia’s daycare was closed yesterday so I took the day to work from home and we enjoyed some extra mommy-daughter time together, which was much needed since I was gone for most of the day Saturday for my team’s track meet. I’ll definitely share more about the meet and will have a race recap of my 10K up later this week but first I just wanted share my training summary from last week. Yesterday was a much needed rest day after putting in some work on the track and roads over the weekend but I’m back at it with an easy run and some strength training today. 🙂

Training Summary: 3/5-11/2018

Monday: Rest Day

Tuesday: 9.62 miles @ 7:54 pace
+ 30 minutes strength and core

Wednesday: 8.2 mile workout [2 mile warm-up, 6x 1km w/ 3 minute rest @ 3:27, 3:25, 3:13, 3:25, 3:18, 3:23 + 2x 400m @ 74/74 w/ 90 seconds rest, 2 mile cool-down]
+ mini-band exercises

Thursday: 8 miles @ 7:49 pace
+ 45 minutes Normatec
+ mini-band exercises

Friday: 7.2 miles @ 7:47 pace

Saturday: [AM] 3 mile shake-out run @ 7:58 pace
[PM] 10K Race **NEW PR of 35:16** // total miles for the night = 10.2 (2 mile warm-up + 2 mile cool-down)

Sunday: 15 mile long run @ 7:42 pace