Weekend Happenings – basically a photodop of all the food I ate

Happy Monday everyone!

Time to get back into the swing of things with the first full week of work in a while. Henri and I made sure to thoroughly enjoy our weekend before things start to pick up again at work.

Saturday morning I was up early for a long run-tempo with my new running buddy. We ran 14 miles along the first half of the Boston Marathon course with the middle 8 miles up-tempo (average 6:21). It was chilly and windy but we got it done. Running the course reminded me how bummed I am that I didn’t sign up for Boston this year!! What on earth was I thinking? Oh well, I will enjoy cheering from the sidelines this year and will be back at the starting line again in 2016. 😀

Post-run breakfast was avocado and eggs on toast…

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… followed by reading and a nap on the couch with my little cuddle bug. {Finn has been so cold recently that he hardly ever moves from his spot near the fire – you can kinda see him in the background behind Laci’s head. haha}

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Later in the afternoon Henri and I ventured out for a gym-dinner date. Henri got in his long run by running to the gym. I met him there and we spent about 45 minutes doing our separate workouts. Because of the long run workout in the morning I mostly focused on balance exercises and upper body, with a few squats and lunges thrown in for good measure. 😉

For dinner Henri brought me to his new favorite burger joint (in the area) that he’s gone to a few times when I’ve had late night meetings or running practice after work. He went with the chili burger and onion rings and I got the American Bison Burger and sweet potato fries. Everything really hit the spot and not-surprisingly we polished off our entire meals.

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We ended the day watching Silver Linings Playbook, brownie sundaes, and a somewhat early bedtime. {Ice cream might be the ONE thing Finn will leave the fire for 😉 }

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Sunday morning I tried out some protein pancake mix that I’ve had sitting in the cabinet for a while. I was sent ProCakes a few months ago by a fellow Fitfluential Ambassador that started the company. I was intrigued to try them because they have so much protein but was weary of the sweeteners that they use instead of sugar because most artificial sugar upsets my tummy.  

photo 1.1Yesterday I finally bit the bullet and whipped up a batch for myself. You guys – not only did they not upset my tummy they tasted soooooo sooooo good. They are wicked fluffy and taste JUST like traditional pancakes that you would never guess that they have so much protein in them or are gluten free! I topped them with peanut butter, bananas, chia seeds and maple syrup.

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from instagram

The rest of Sunday involved church, yoga, watching the Manchester City game, folding lots and lots of laundry, shopping for new running sneakers, working on my scrapbook and watching the season premiere of Downton Abbey. 

Now it’s back to real-life…


How was your weekend??

What’s the tastiest thing you ate over the past few days?