Author: The Foodie Runner

Lexus LaceUp Running Series: OC Half Recap

Lexus LaceUp Running Series: OC Half Recap

Hi friends, happy Friday! It’s officially the weekend! Wooo!! This year I am so delighted to be partnering with the Lexus LaceUp Series. This is a series of 4 races in Southern California between September and December that all take place in Southern California. I’ve 

Baby Floris #2: Weeks 21 + 22

Baby Floris #2: Weeks 21 + 22

22 weeks, aka 5 months! Ahhhh! Where is the time going? The past two weeks have been two of the quickest recently, probably because life is always so busy during cross country season. There are only 7 weeks left in the season and I just 

Building Casa Floris: Master Bedroom Inspiration Board

Building Casa Floris: Master Bedroom Inspiration Board

We bought our current (and first) house last summer and if you remember from the before pictures that I shared here, it needed a LOT of work! Henri and his dad have been working hard on and off for over a year to totally renovate 

A Day of Pregnant Eats

A Day of Pregnant Eats

One thing that I love is seeing what other people eat in a day. It’s really of no consequence to me but I really do find it fascinating! Maybe it’s because I just love food in general so it’s fun to see/hear what other people 

Baby Floris #2: Weeks 19 + 20

Baby Floris #2: Weeks 19 + 20

20 weeks – oh boy! We are halfway there you guys!! I cannot believe it, like I say in each and every one of these bumpdates this pregnancy is truly flying by!  The past two weeks were a little hectic and crazy so they seemed 

Leg Burner Stroller Workout

Leg Burner Stroller Workout

During this pregnancy I’ve found myself doing more runs and workouts with our jogging stroller than ever before. In the first trimester I tended to choose sleeping in over getting my run in first thing in the morning which meant that Liv was up and 

Baby Floris #2: Weeks 17 + 18

Baby Floris #2: Weeks 17 + 18

I am officially 4 months pregnant! … which means we are going to have another baby in 5 months! ahhh, that sounds so soon! Recently I’ve found myself going back and forth between calling Liv my big girl and my baby. She is just growing 

Friday Favorites // 8.10.18

Friday Favorites // 8.10.18

Happy Friday friends! Things have been an absolute whirlwind over here recently… I knew that the last few weeks of summer would fly by but there have been a LOT of changes at work recently and the busy-ness and stress have just made the past 

My Experiences (So Far) with Running While Pregnant

My Experiences (So Far) with Running While Pregnant

Before I got pregnant with Lavinia I wondered how I would handle being pregnant and not being entirely on control of when/how/how much exercises I could do. I was so used to being in a constant state of training for something that it was hard 



Happy Friday, it’s the weekend! I’m trying really hard not to think about the fact that it’s my second-to-last weekend before the cross country kicks off and all of my weekends are taken up with work, meets and travel for a few months. We have